My Portfolio


Health IT

PocketMRTH Feature Image


A free mobile app that allows you to view and monitor your Mirth Connect instances and its channel statistics. I built this using React Native and Currenly available in Google Play Store.

You can check the following links to learn more:

ThisDevBlogs logo


My personal blog website where I post about things related to my Mirth Connect scripts, my personal side projects and anything related to information and technology.

Mirth Connect logo

Mirth Connect Integrations

Mirth is an open source cross-platform HL7 interface engine that enables bi-directional sending of HL7 messages between systems and applications over multiple transports. I've been creating custom integrations between EMRs and LIS using Mirth Connect. Complexity of integrations involves from RESTful APIs, HTTP, TCP/IP, file import and export like CSV to HL7 messages, and others. This is one of my favorite applications to connect health systems.

Web Development

Snapfu Logo


Snapfu is an automated way to create backups of your Mirth configuration and channels. It uses the exportcfg and export commands in the Mirth CLI and the Mirth Connect Client API.

You can visit the blog guide by clicking on the logo. You can also visit the Github repo on these links: snapfu web api and snapfu web portal

Year 2020 and the world was hit by CoViD-19. Since I am no longer a practicing nurse and I'm in the Health IT field, my best way to contribute is to create a website and spread information usable for Filipinos during the crisis.

You can visit the site at

Image Search Abstraction Layer

Image Search Abstraction Layer

FreeCodeCamp Back End Development course project. This service does the following user stories:

  • User Story: I can get the image URLs, alt text and page urls for a set of images relating to a given search string.
  • Story: I can paginate through the responses by adding a ?offset=2 parameter to the URL.
  • Story: I can get a list of the most recently submitted search strings.
File Metadata Microservice

File Metadata Microservice

FreeCodeCamp Back End Development course project. This Microservice does the following user stories:

  • I can submit a FormData object that includes a file upload.
  • When I submit something, I will receive the file size in bytes within the JSON response
URL Shortener Microservice

URL Shortener Microservice

FreeCodeCamp Back End Development course project. Allows you to generate a short URL for specific links.

Timstamp Microservice API

Timstamp Microservice API

FreeCodeCamp Back End Development course project. This displays or returns the unix timestamp and the natural date if you pass a string in the URL parameter.

Request Header Parser Microservice

Request Header Parser Microservice

FreeCodeCamp Back End Development course project. This is a simple app that will display the browser's IP address, language and operating system based on the request headers.

FCC Simon Game - Simon Game

FreeCodeCamp Front End Development course project. Re-create the Simon game in Codepen using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

FCC Tic-Tac-Toe Game - Tic-Tac-Toe Game

FreeCodeCamp Front End Development course project. Create a Tic-Tac-Toe game in Codepen using HTML, CSS and Javascript. For the one player mode, I've implemented the Minimax algorithm. The computer is unbeatable on this case.

FCC Basic Calculator - Basic Calculator

FreeCodeCamp Front End Development course project. Create a basic calculator in Codepen using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

FCC Pomodoro Clock - Pomodoro Clock

A timer using the Pomodoro technique. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This web application allows you to set the session and break time to customize your time management.

FCC Random Quote Generator - Random Quote Generator

A simple web application that randomly selects a quote from a list. You can also use the Tweet button to share the quote in the Twitterverse.

Norway - TwitchTV Listing

Show a specific list of Twitch users. Their status is pulled using's JSON API. You can filter the list to who's online or offline.

FCC Pomodoro Clock - Wikipedia Viewer

This is a simple search function in the Wikipedia database.

FCC Random Quote Generator - Local Weather App

This is a simple web app showing the current weather in your location. It shows your location (city and country), current temperature and the weather condition. I'm using Yahoo's weather API. The background image changes depending on the current weather condition. The temperature can also be toggled between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Support, Software Testing and Systems Analysis

JotForm Logo

JotForm Technical Support

Problem Solver, Tech Support and Script Kiddie in JotForm. JotForm is an online form builder that allows you to create online forms. The form builder is continuously evolving but allows users to highly customize their forms. My work here is a tech support in our forum page helping users with their form creation, creating customize CSS code and scripts to accomplish what their needs. I also create highly detailed guides to walk through users on how to use a feature of the form builde and some with customized solutions. There are requirements or specifications that is unique for some user, so I provide them different solutions that I can think of, ranging from a combination of 3rd party applications and creating custom scripts, or by cleverly using existing features on a different way. Some of the custom scripts can be found on my Github page here.

Upwork Logo

Upwork Freelancer

Most of my work are in (formerly, I've been doing work here for almost 6 years now. I've done different work like being a personal assistant, chat support, web analyst, tech support, web research for health IT topics like teleoncology and telemedicine, and now a clinical laboratory applications analyst. This is a great platform to connect clients and contractors, I'm continuously trying to learn things with focus on web development and health IT. Feel free to check my Upwork page to see my work history.

About Me

Hey there! I'm Charmie Quiño, I graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing and found myself aiming to be a Health IT professional. Currently, my skill set ranges from technical support, systems analysis, Mirth integration, software testing and web development. I'm currently taking the FreeCodeCamp course and hopefully to finish the Full Stack Web Development course.

I love Javascript and that's the language I'm most comfortable with, I can use it not only in web but also in Mirth (which is a popular open-source HL7 interface engine). I love solving problems and connecting things, especially using Mirth for custom integrations between EMRs and LIS.

My goal is to create a product that would give an impact on the health IT industry, making health care delivery better using technology.

If you find my skill set interesting or shares the same passion for health tech, feel free to reach me out on my social media accounts. Cheers!

Skills & Tools

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2017 Charmie Q. Template by w3.css